Opis: Osamljeno drevo sredi travnika, katerega sem že dodobra izkoristil za svoje kompozicije z Rimsko cesto, mi je ponovno prišel še kako prav.
S to razliko, da sem tokrat iskal kompozicije s kometom Atlas C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan.
Ko sem telefonom ustvaril par spominskih fotografij, sem uvidel meni osebno odlično kompozicijo, katero vidite na fotografiji.
Izkoristil sem tistih pičlih 45minut popolne teme
brez lune in tako med drugim izdelal tole spominsko fotografijo.
Pri fotografiranju sem uporabil moji novi star tracker: Nomad MoveShootMove, kateri je opravil svojo nalogo odlično.
Description: A lonely tree in the middle of the meadow, which I had already put to good use for my compositions with the Milky Way, came in handy again.
With the difference that this time I was looking for a composition with comet Atlas C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan.
When I shot a memory photos with my phone, I saw a nice composition of the comet and tree, which you can see in the photo.
I took advantage of those 45 minutes of total darkness without the moon, and thus among others made this commemorative photo.
I used my new star tracker for this shot: the Nomad MoveShootMove star tracker, which did the job perfectly.
Gear: Nikon Z6IIa, Nikon 50 1.8 S, Nomad MSM tracker, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category:Tracked / stacked / blended
All of the frames taken from Timelapse ( 337 frames )
- Sky:iso800, f2, 30s x19 light frames, one frame around the tree + lee soft 5 for stars
- Foreground: iso800, f2, 60s
Location and date: Slovenia, Dolž pri Stopičah, 21.10.2024