Opis: Fotografija je nastala pod vprašanjem: Ali reskiram opremo in odidem domov z eno fotografijo več, ali pa se raje umaknem in s sklonjeno glavo pospravim opremo v nahrbtnik?
Kaj je povrzočilo moje dvome to noč? Močan veter z sunki, kateri so bili v času sledenja zvezdam tako močni kot jih do danes še nisem doživel. Strele v oddaljenosti, katere so razjasnevale nebo nad mano, so mi dajale občutek, kot da bo konec sveta. Jaz pa zunaj z 20kg opreme uperjene v nebo, se tresel ali bo oprema ostala na mestu ali ne.
Še danes ne morem verjeti, kako je lahko Polaris izdelal tako natančne in dobre posnetke neba, kajti vseh 35 posnetkov je bilo izjemnih.
Panorama Rimske ceste je izdelana pri izviru reke Cetine.
Točno na sredini izpod loka Rimske ceste se nahaja izvir, katerega so zaradi podobnosti očesu poimenovali “Zemeljsko oko”. Na desni strani panorame stoji cerkev Ascencion of the Lord iznad katere se bohoti delček jedra Rimske ceste z meglicami.
To noč sem na nebu uspel ujeti tudi čudoviti svetlobni sij, kateri me je še kako presenetil. Namreč fotografija je nastala v nevihti katera je divjala v ozadju za hribi kateri segajo v sosednjo državo Bosno in Hercegovino.
The answer in my head after a few minutes was the following: fuck it, I’m going for all or nothing. I set up the equipment and quickly moved to another location where I photographed other compositions with my remaining equipment.
What made me doubt this night? Strong wind with gusts, which during the time of tracking the stars were as strong as I have never experienced before. The lightning in the distance that lit up the sky above me made me feel like the world was going to end. I, on the other hand, was outside with 20 kg of equipment pointed at the sky, shaking whether the equipment would stay in place or not.
To this day, I still can’t believe how Polaris was able to produce such accurate and good images of the sky, because all 35 images were outstanding.
The panorama of the Milky Way was shot at the source of the Cetina River.
Exactly in the middle, under the arc of the Milky Way, there is a spring, which, because of its resemblance to an eye, was called the “Eye of the Earth”.
On the right side of the panorama stands the church of Ascencion of the Lord, above which a part of the core of the Milky Way with nebulae can be seen.
That night I also managed to catch a wonderful airglow, which surprised me. Namely, the photo was taken during a storm raging in the background behind the hills that extend into the neighboring country of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Kategorija: Panorama / tracked / stacked / blended
- Sky: iso800, f2, 61s, 7panels x 1row, 5subframes per panel
- Foreground: iso1250, f2.2, 61s, 7panels x 1row + low exposure frames for church highlights ( 30s,10s,5s )
Lokacija in datum: Hrvaška, izvire reke Cetine, 18.07.2023