Opis: Le kaj bi si želel še več, se mi je porajalo po glavi, ko sem doma na balkonu, ob kavici preko aplikacije Planit Pro našel to izjemno lokacijo za
fotografiranje kometa Polbers nad Starim gradom. In tudi vremenska prognoza ja kazala na to, da se bo tik pred nočjo razjasnilo. Nasmeh do ušes, pred mano pa je bila samo še ena ovira.
To noč bi namreč moral delati nočno izmeno, zato sem svojega prijatelja @luka prosil, če bi mi naredil uslugo in me zamenjal. Tako, da za nastanek te spominske fotografije gre velika zasluga tudi mojemu sodelavcu, zato, najlepša hvala prijatelj!
Ker imamo v Sloveniji v ozračju te dni ogromno vlage in ekstremno visoke temperature sem vedel, da me bodo komarji sredi travnika živega požrli in tudi nebo ne bo najboljše kvalitete. Bil sem pripravljen na ta dvoboj.
Pri skoraj 30 stopinjah sem si nadel dolge hlače, delovske škornje, pulover s kapuco in se s polno flaško odganjalca komarjev odpravil v visoko travo sredi travnika. Oooh ja, bilo je švicanje na polno.
Tam sem si preko Planit Pro VR ogledal tirnico leta kometa, namreč moj plan je bil ujeti komet le nekaj stopinj levo od gradu. In to mi je tudi uspelo v ne predvsem dobrih vremenskih pogojih v neposredni bližini avtoceste.
Več kot polovica fotografij je bila posneta tik po luninem zahodu v astronomskem mraku. Komet se je v tem času nahajal v smeri severozahod, 14 stopinj nad obzorjem, tako, da sem imel
na voljo le pol ure preden je komet zašel iz vidnega polja za grad.
Vizualna magnituda kometa 13P/Olbers je bila
v času fotografiranja približno 7.5.
Komet si je 6. marca 1815 prvič ogledal nemški astronom Heinrich Olbers. Pozneje sta astronoma Carl Gauss in Friedrich Bessel orbito ocenila na nekaj manj kot 74 let, kar je približno pet let manj od trenutne številke.
13P/Olbers bo potoval najbljižje Zemlji 20. julija 0,48 AU (astronomske enote) oz. približno 45 miljonov milj od Zemlje, glede na Space Reference.
Description: What more i could want, I thought, when I found this exceptional location for photographing comet Polbers over the Okd Castle. And the weather forecast also indicated that it would clear up just before nightfall. A smile from ear to ear, and there was just one more obstacle in front of me.
That night, I had to work the night shift, so I asked my friend @luka if he would do me a favor and replace me. So that the creation of this commemorative photo also goes to my colleague, so thank you very my friend!
Since we have a lot of humidity and extremely high temperatures in the atmosphere in Slovenia these days, I knew that the mosquitoes would eat me alive in the middle of the meadow and the sky wouldn’t be at the best quality either.
I was ready for this match.
At almost 30 degrees, I put on long pants, work boots, a hooded sweatshirt and a full bottle of mosquito repellent and walk in the tall grass in the middle of the lawn. Oooh, it was so sweltering.
There, I carefuly watch the trajectory of the comet’s flight through Planit Pro VR, namely my plan was to capture the comet just a few degrees to the left of the castle. I managed to do that in not especially good weather conditions in the immediate vicinity of the highway.
More than half of the photos were taken just after moonset in astronomical twilight. At that time the comet was in the North-West direction, 14 degrees above the horizon, so I had
avaliable just half an hour before the comet passed out of sight behind the castle.
The visual magnitude of Comet 13P/Olbers was around 7.5.
The comet was first viewed on March 6, 1815, by German astronomer Heinrich Olbers. Later, astronomers Carl Gauss and Friedrich Bessel estimated the orbit to be just under 74 years, which is about five years shorter than the current number.
13P/Olbers will travel closest to Earth on 20.7. at 0.48 AU (astronomical units) or about 45 million miles from Earth, according to Space Reference.
Gear: Nikon Z fc, Samyang 135 f2.0, Benro Polaris, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category:Deepscape / tracked / stacked / blended
- Sky: iso1600, f2, 20s, 70 light frames and all the way down to 20 frames near the Castle
- Foreground: iso800, f2.8, 122s, 4 light frames
Location and date: Slovenia, Stari grad pri Otočcu, 09.07.2024