Opis:Eksplozija nad Zemljo, mislim, da je kar pravi naslov za to panoramo.
Perzeidi, Aurora, lok Rimske ceste poln barvitih meglic je to noč prinesel vrhunec moje astro-landscape fotografije.
Videli ste lahko že eno mojo panoramo s Perzeidi iz tej iste lokacije, le, da sem to posnel v začetku noči, medtem, ko je bila panorama z Orionom posneta zjutraj ob koncu noči.
Bila je neverjetno jasna noč, polna utrinkov, tudi Auroro sem lahko videl s prostim očesom. Z eno besedo neponovljivo!
To je tudi bila edina kompozicija za katero sem že pred odhodom na lokacijo vedel, da jo moram to noč posneti. Vse ostalo je bil dodaten plus tega večera.
Družbo so mi ta večer delali tudi domačini, kateri so prišli gledati in fotografirati utrinke na ta najbolj temen kraj Istre. Ko pa sem jim omenil, da se to noč lahko pričakuje tudi Auroro, so se mi vsi nasmejali, češ daj ne delaj se norca iz nas. Seveda sem jim dejal naj kamero usmerijo proti Severu in se tudi sam prepričajo. No kmalu zatem jih nisem videl več, ker so odšli na drugo bližnjo lokacijo.
Ko sem med imfotografiranjem panorame na ekranu fotoaparata zagledal Auroro, so se mi oči zaiskrile od navdušenja. Neverjeten občutek, ko to doživiš prvič v življenju in takoj sem vedel, da je pred mano čudovita noč! In tako je tudi bilo.
Description: Explosion above the Earth, I think it’s just the right title for this panorama.
The Perseids, Aurora, arc of the Milky Way full of colorful nebulae, this night brought the pinnacle of my astro-landscape photography.
You may have already seen one of my Perseid panoramas from this same location, only that I shot this one at the beginning of the night, while the Orion panorama was taken in the morning at the end of the night.
It was an incredibly clear night full of glimpses, I could even see the Aurora with my naked eye. With one word, unique!
This was also the only composition that I knew that I had to shot that night before leaving for the location. Everything else was an added plus of this evening.
This evening I was also kept a company by the locals, who came to watch and photograph meteors to one of the darkest place in Istria.
But when I mentioned them that Aurora can also be expected that night, they all “laughed” at me, saying don’t make a fool of us.
Of course, I told them to point the camera towards the North and see for themselves. But soon after that I didn’t saw them anymore because they went to another nearby location.
When I saw the Aurora on the camera screen while I was photographing this panorama, my eyes sparkled with excitement. An incredible feeling when you experience it for the first time in your life and i already knew that this is gonna be an amazing night. And so it was!
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Sigma 20 1.4 Dg Dn + Megadap tze21, Benro Polaris, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category:Panorama / tracked / stacked/ blended / meteors inserted with Registar software
All of the frames taken from Timelapse ( 337 frames )
- Sky: 9panels – 1row + 1panel ( zenith ) – 2row, iso800, f1.8, 41s x4frames per panel + lee soft 5 for stars ( iso1600, f2, 20s ); Meteors: Captured during whole night using 3 cameras, instered with Registar software at the same spot in the sky as they appeared
- Foreground: 9panels, iso1250, f2.8, 91s
Location and date: Croatia, Cap Marlera lighthouse – Istria, 12-13.08.24