Opis: Moja želja se je po parih letih uresničila. Fotografirati Rimsko cesto nad poljem sončnic.
Meseca Julija sem se pred službo odpravil na bližnje polje sončnic, katere so bile v polnem razcvetu. Seveda sem si tako kot ponavadi lokacijo ogledal podnevi, ter si naredil načrt za ta kratek a čudovit večer. Nad poljem sončnic se nahaja galaksija v kateri prebivamo, Rimska cesta v vsej svoji lepoti.
Description: After a couple of years, my wish came true. To photograph the Milky Way over a field of sunflowers.
In July, before work, I went to a nearby field of sunflowers, which were in full bloom. Of course, as usual, I visited the location during the day and made a plan for this short but wonderful evening. Above the field of sunflowers is the galaxy we live in, the Milky Way in all its beauty.
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Sigma 20 1.4 Dg Dn + Megadap tze21, Benro Polaris star tracker
Category: tracked, stacked, blended
- Sky: 10frames stacked ( iso800, f2.0, 60s ) + 1frame with Lee soft 4 ( iso1600, f2.0, 30s )
- Foreground: iso800, f16, 40-60s, focus stacked x3
Location and date: Slovenija, Dolenjske Toplice, 30.07.2024