Opis: In tu je moja nova panoramo Rimske ceste, katero sem posnel sredi travnika, na katerem kraljuje osamljeno drevo.
Panoramo sem izdelal z mojim novim objektivom: Viltrox AF 16mm f1.8 katerega sem prejel v začetku meseca, in moram priznati, da sem nad rezultatom navdušen.
Prav tako sem izkoristil vse prednosti objektiva, saj sem za fotografiranje vesolja in narave uporabil popolnoma odprto zaslonko – f1.8, kar mi je prineslo dobre rezultate.
Pri fotografiranju ospredja sem želel priti čimbolj nizko nad travo, zato, da so se vrhovi dreves v ozadju poskrili za hribom. Zaradi neposredne bližine travnika mi je tu še kako prav prišel dvojni fokus objektiva, katerega sem pred samim gotografiranjem nastavil na želeno vrednost in ga shranil.
Medtem, ko sem se s fotoaparatom premikal po pozicijah sem ga lahko samo z enim klikom na objektivu spreminjal.
No, na koncu sem naredil še en fokus od blizu, tako, da sem šel okoli 360 stopinj 2-krat.
Vesolje je bilo fotografirano tik pred popolno temo v astronomskem somraku, medtem, ko je bilo ospredje fotografirano v popolni temi.
Description: And here is my new Milky Way panorama, which I shot in the middle of a meadow dominated by a solitary tree.
I made the panorama with my new lens: Viltrox AF 16mm f1.8 that I received at the beginning of this month, and I have to admit that I’m impressed with the result.
I also took full advantage of the lens, using a wide open aperture – f1.8 for the sky and foreground, which gave me a good results.
When photographing the foreground, I wanted to get as low as possible above the grass, so that the tops of the trees in the background were hidden behind the hill. Due to the immediate proximity of the meadow, the double focus of the lens came very handy here. I set it to the desired value before i started with shooting and saved it.
While I was moving with the camera through the panels, I could magicaly change it with just one click on the lens and this is a big advantage when shooting panoramas with focus stacking.
Well at the end i made one more close up focus so i did go around all 360 degrees 2times.
The sky was photographed just before total darkness in astronomical twilight, while the foreground was photographed in total darkness.
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Viltrox AF 16mm 1.8 Nikon Z-Mount, Benro Polaris, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: 360 Panorama / tracked / focus stacked / blended
- Sky: 1row, 9panels, iso800, f1.8, 61s
- Foreground: 1row, 8 panels, iso1250, f1.8, 90s, 3x focus stacked each panel
Location and date: Slovenia, Verdun pri Uršnih Selih, 06.07.2024