KOLEDAR: Pot med zvezdami 2024
Že 3. leto zapored izdajam svoj unikatno izdelan astro-krajinski koledar z naslovom: Pot med zvezdami 2024.
Letos je prvič, da koledar ne vsebuje samo fotografije iz Slovenije, temveč tudi ostale države.
Koledar vsebuje 13 astro-krajinskih fotografij, katere vas popeljejo do čudovitih krajev obsijanih z zvezdami.
- Na voljo v slovenski in angleški različici,
- tiskan na visokokakovostni fotopapir A3, mat 250g,
- dimenzije: 420mm širina x 297mm višina ( A3 ).
Zaradi povpraševanja po koledarjih sem se odločil, da dam natisniti dodatne količine slovenskega in angleškega koledarja.
Cena koledarja bo tudi v mesecu decembru ostala nespremenjena: 20€, ter akcijska ponudba 4 + 1 gratis.
Vsi koledarji naročeni v obdobju: 01.12.2023 – 10.12.2023 bodo odposlani na naslove 12.12.2023.
V kolikor bo naročilo oddano po 10.12.2023 bodo koledarji oddani na pošto sprotno.
Letošnjo leto imam v akcijski ponudbi 4+1 koledar gratis.
CALENDAR: Path to the Stars
For the 3rd year in a row, I am releasing my unique custom made Astro-Landscape calendar: Path to the Stars 2024.
For the first time the calendar not only contains photos from Slovenia, but also from other countries.
The calendar with 13 Astro-Landscape photos will take you to wonderful places illuminated by the stars.
- Available in Slovenian and English versions,
- printed on high-quality photo paper A3, matte 250g,
- dimensions: 420mm width x 297mm height (A3).
Due to the demand for calendars, I decided to have additional volumes of Slovenian and English calendars printed.
The price of the calendar will remain unchanged in December: €20, and the promotional offer 4 + 1 free.
All calendars ordered in the period: 28.11.2023 – 10.12.2023 will be sent to addresses on 12.12.2023.
If the order is placed after 10/12/2023, the calendars will be sent to the post office immediately.
The possibility of shipping worldwide.
This year I have a special promotion with 4+1 free calendar.