Opis: 360 stopinjska panorama nočnega neba nad Kriškimi podi v osrčju Julijskih Alpah.
Z mojo ženo sva si za konec dopusta v mesecu avgustu privoščila čudovit dvodnevni izlet v Julijske Alpe. Noč sva preživela na idilični lokaciji v Pogačnikovem domu na Kriških Podih, kateri nam ponuja čudovite razglede na visokogorje ( levo na fotografiji ).
Tokrat ni bil moj namen, da bi odšel fotografirati, toda biti skupaj z mojo ljubeznijo nekje v gorah. Proti jutru sem izkoristil dve uri jasnega neba brez lune in tako uspel pričarati nove nočne fotografije.
Na forografiji se nahaja lok Rimske ceste. Na vzhodu pa se že kažejo meglice, ozvezdja in zvezdne kopice značilne za zimo.
Poleg Rimske ceste sem v objektiv ujel tudi zodiakalno svetlobo, ter svetlobni sij.
Poleg vsega je tu še tesna konjukcija planetov Marsa in Jupitra ravno na poti Zodiakalne svetlobe.
Description:A 360-degree panorama of the night sky above the Kriški podi in the heart of the Julian Alps.
At the end of our vacation in August my wife and I spent a wonderful two-day trip in the Julian Alps. We spent the night on an idyllic location in Pogačnik’s house ( left in the photo ) which offers us wonderful views of the highlands.
This time it was not my intention to go in the Mountains to take photos, but to be together with my love. At the end i took advantage of the two hours of clear sky without a moon and thus managed to capture these panorama.
In the photo you can see the arc of the Milky Way. While In the east, the constellations, nebulaes and star clusters characteristic of winter are already visible.
In addition to the Milky Way, I also caught the zodiacal light, as well as the greenish airglow.
In addition to everything there is also a close conjuction of planets Mars and Jupiter just in the path of Zodiacal light.
Gear: Stock Nikon Zfc + megadap etz21, Sony 14 1.8 GM, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: 360 Panorama / untracked / stacked / blended
- Sky: 1row x 10panels, iso3200, f1.8, 13s x 5frames per panel, 2 row – only one panel at zenith
- Foreground: 1row, 10 panels, iso1250, f1.8, 60s
Location and date: Slovenia, Kriški podi – Julijske Alpe, 17.08.24