Opis: Mislim, da je tokrat naslov fotografije primeren videnemu: Ogledalo vesolja.
Ne vem ali sem že kdaj dobil tako čiste in jasne refleksije neba, kot sem jih bil deležen tokrat ob fotografiranju Kometa C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan – Atlas. Prava poslastica za oči.
Medtem, ko smo z družino ustvarjali nočni portret v neposredni bližini ribnika, sem izkoristil čas in enega izmed svojih fotoaparatov postavil tik ob ribniku, ter tako dobil čudovite fotografije in med naredil tudi timelapse vseh posnetkov.
Na voljo sem imel samo približno 5minut popolne teme, kajti kmalu mi je družbo delala vzhajajoča luna katera je obsvetila nebo in pokrajino, kar lahko vidite na timelapsu in fotografiji zvezdnih sledi.
Description:I think this time the title of the photo is appropriate for what is seen: Mirror of the Universe.
I don’t know if I have ever witness such clean and clear reflections of the sky as I have had this time, when photographing Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan – Atlas. A real treat for the eyes.
While my family and I were creating a night portrait in the immediate vicinity of the pond, I took advantage of the time and placed one of my cameras right next to the pond, and thus got beautiful photos and also made a timelapse of all the shots.
I only had about 5 minutes of complete darkness this evening, because soon I was joined by the rising moon, which lit up the sky and the landscape, which you can see on the timelapse and star trail photo.
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Sigma 20 1.4 Dg Dn + Megadap tze21, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: Stacked / blended
All of the frames taken from Timelapse ( 337 frames )
- Sky: iso1600, f1.8, 10s x29 light frames + lee soft 5
- Foreground: Trees: iso1600, f1.8, 10s x40; Reflections: iso1600, f1.8, 10s x20
Location and date: Slovenia, Straža pri Novem mestu, 20.10.2024