Opis: Es Pontàs, v katalonščini pomeni “veliki most”, je naravni kamniti lok, ki se nahaja na jugovzhodni obali Španskega otoka Mallorca, med Cala Santanyí in Cala Llombards.
Lok meri približno 13 metrov visoko in izgleda res osupljivo.
Moja prva fotografija iz Mallorce, kjer smo z družino preživeli čudoviti dopust.
To je bila edina lokacija za katero sem bil 100% odločen, da jo obiščem tudi v nočnem časa.
Vsekakor je za mano nepozabna izkušnja, kjer ni manjkalo prigod. Plezanje po skalah, hoja po vodi, prvič v življenju sem izvedel sledenje zvezd dobesedno v morju, padec v vodo s polnima rokama opreme.
Nedvomno lokacija vredna obiska, tako podnevi, kot ponoči.
Obenem gre za enega najtemenjših krajev na Mallorci, vsaj, kar se tiče pogleda proti jedru Rimske ceste. Najbljižja mesta v smeri Jug, Jugozahod se namreč nahajajo daleč stran v Afriki.
Es Pontàs, in Catalan language means “The big bridge”, is a natural arch situated in the southeastern coast of Mallorca, between the Cala Santanyí and Cala Llombards.
The arch measures approximately 13 meters high and really looks astonishing.
My first photo from Mallorca, where we spent beautiful holiday with my family.
This was the only location I was 100% determined to visit even at night. It is definitely an unforgettable experience for me, where there was no shortage of incidents. Climbing on rocks, walking on water, doing star tracking literally in the sea for the first time in my life, falling into water with arms full of gear. Undoubtedly a location worth visiting, both during the day and at night.
At the same time, it is one of the darkest places in Mallorca, at least as far as the view towards the core of the Milky Way is concerned. The nearest cities in the direction of South, Southwest are located far away in Africa.
Gear: Nikon Z6 Astro-mod, Sony 14 GM 1.8 + Megadap tze 21, Benro Polaris
Category: tracked, stacked, blended
- Sky: 14mm, iso800, f2, 60s, 20subframes
- Foreground: 14mm, iso800, f2.0, 150s
Location and date: Mallorca, naravni kamniti lok Mirador Es Pontas, 15.06.2023