Opis:Nekje globoko v Kočevskem Rogu, daleč stran od mestnih luči smo s prijatelji opazovali to čudovito snežno kreglo iz ledu in kamenja z imenom: C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan – Atlas, in to kar s prostimi očmi. Vsi smo bili presenečeni kako svetel in dolg rep sestavljen iz prahu pušča za sabo. Njegov rep je dolg vse do 29 milijonov kilometrov, medtem, ko ima koma ( jedro ) kometa premer kar 209,000 kilometrov!
Kljub temu, da se nam je zdel komet ob pogledih na njega blizu nas, je bil 12.10.24 obiskovalec vesolja nam najbližje na razdaliji 71 milijonov km in bo naslednjič viden šele čez 80.000 let, če seveda bo preživel svojo dolgo pot po razprostranemu vesolju.
Območje Kočevakega Roga je znano po medvedih in drugih divjih živali, zato je bil ta večer popestren tudi iz te strani. Malce strahu priznam smo bili deležni vsi, sploh, ko smo slišali oddaljene zvoke iz gozdov okoli nas. Manjkalo pa seveda ni niti navdušenosti in vzhičenosti, ko smo si z odprtimi usti ogledovali čudovito zvezdnato nebo in nepozabnega kometa Atlas A3.
Za to fotografijo sem uporabil moj novi star tracker: Nomad – Move shoot move, s katerim sem zelo zadovoljen. S svojo kompaktnostjo in dobrimi rezultati, mislim, da mi bo vedno delal družbo v mojem fotografskem nahrbtniku.
Description: Somewhere deep in Kočevski Rog, far away from the city lights, my friends and I observed this beautiful snowball made of ice and stones named: C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan – Atlas, and that with our naked eyes. We were all surprised how bright and long the tail made of dust leaves behind. Its tail is up to 29 million kilometers long, while the coma (nucleus) of the comet has a diameter of 209,000 kilometers!
Despite the fact that the comet seemed close to us when we looked at it, on 12.10.24 the space visitor was closest to us at a distance of 71 million km and will not be seen again until 80,000 years from now, if of course survives its long journey through the vast universe.
The area of Kočevake Rog is known for bears and other wild animals, so this evening was enriched from that side as well. I admit, we were all a bit scared, especially when we heard distant sounds from the woods around us. Of course, there was no shortage of excitement and rapture when we looked at the beautiful starry sky and the unforgettable comet Atlas A3.
For this shot i used my new star tracker: Nomad from Moves shoot move company which worked just great!
With its compactness and good results, I think it will always keep me company in my photography backpack.
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Tamron 85 SP 1.8, Move Shoot Move Nomad, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: Stacked / blended
All of the frames taken from Timelapse ( 337 frames )
- Sky: iso1250, f2.8, 60s x50 light frames + lee soft 5 for stars
- Foreground: iso1250, f2.5, 180s, 2x focus stack + portrait iso12800, f1.8, 10s
Location and date: Slovenia, Kočevski rog, 22.10.2024