Opis: Ob prihodu na to čudotivo lokacijo sredi Tulovih Gred sem med iskanjem lokacij za nočno fotografiranje naletel na izjemne kompozicije, katere so bile ena od druge oddaljene le par korakov. In tu je druga izmed njih, poleg že objavljene jame.
Majhna luknja med skalami, katera je bila napolnjena z vodo je poskrbela, da sem v noči med fotografiranjem lahko dobil nekaj refleksij, in tako naredila kompozicija edinstveno.
V ozadju se nahaja čudovita planota Tulovih Gred, ter najvišji skalnati vrh le teh.
Na nebu se bohoti jedro Rimske ceste z njegovimi značilnimi rdečkastimimeglicami. Predvsem pa gre tu izpostaviti Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex – večzvezdni sistem v ozvezju Ophiuchus, za katerega velja, da je nam živečim na Zemlji eden najbljžjih ozvezdij ( 360 svetlobnih let ), ter prav tako najbolj barviti del na vidnem nebu.
Description: Arriving at this wonderful location in the middle of Tulove Grede, while searching for locations for night photography, i came across exceptional compositions that were only a few steps away from each other.
And here is the second of them, next to the already published cave.
A small hole between the rocks, which was filled with water, made sure that I could get some reflections during the night while taking pictures, and thus made the composition more unique.
To my great surprise, the stars in these look nice, pointy, despite the 90 second exposure. Of course, I also made extra shots for reflections with 30s exposure. But at the end it turned out that the longer 90-second shots were actually better.
In the background is the beautiful plateau of Tulove Grede, and the highest rocky peak of these.
In the sky we can see a core of the Milky Way with its characteristic reddish nebulae. Above all, the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex – a multi-star system in the Ophiuchus constellation, which is considered to be one of the closest constellations to us living on Earth ( 360 light years ), and also the most colorful part of the visible sky, should be highlighted here.
Gear: 2x Nikon Z6a, Sony 14 1.8 GM + Megadap tze21, Fornax Lightrack 2i, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: tracked, stacked, blended
- Sky: 14mm, iso800, 60s, f2.2 x 10frames
- Foreground: 14mm, iso 1250, 90s, f1.8, 4x focus stacked
Location and date: Croatia, Velebit Mpuntains – Tulove grede, 07.06.2024