Opis:Kompozicija mogočnega dvigajočega se stebra Rimske ceste s kometom Atlas C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan, katera se dviguje nad “hiško”, je bila ta večer izdelana spontano brez kakršnega koli planiranja.
Medtem, ko sem se sprehajal po travniku sem ugledal Rimsko cesto katera se je dvigovala vertikalno nad hiško polno sena. Na hitro sem se odločil, da izkoristim ta dragoceni čas popolne teme in tako izdelam še bonus fotografijo večera.
Ker obožujem ozvezdje Laboda polnega rdečkastih meglic, sem tako ustvaril vertikalno panoramo.
Komet Atlas je v tem času ravno zahajal za oblake, a je še bil viden tudi s prostimi očmi.
Oh kako čudovit večer je bil to.
Description: The composition of the mighty rising pillar of the Milky Way with comet Atlas C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan above the “house” was made spontaneously without any planning.
While I was walking on the field, I saw the Milky Way rising vertically above the house full of hay. I hastily decided to take advantage of this precious time of perfect darkness to create a bonus photo of the evening.
Because I love the Cygnus constellation full of reddish nebulae, I created a vertical panorama.
At that time, Comet Atlas was passing behind the clouds, but was still visible with the naked eye.
Ooh what a wonderful evening that was!
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Sigma 20 1.4 Dg Dn + Megadap tze21, Nomad MSM, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: Vetrorama / tracked / stacked / blended
All of the frames taken from Timelapse ( 337 frames )
- Sky: 2rows, iso800, f2.0, 40s x7 frames each row + lee soft 5 for stars
- Foreground: iso1250, f2.8, 180s
Location and date: Slovenia, Kočevski Rog, 22.10.2024