Opis: Meteorski roj Perzeidov in skrite lepote vesolja fotografirane pri mističnem ribniku Nerajec.
Vse do zadnjih ur se nisem mogel odločiti kam bi se odpravil fotografirati meteorje na noč, ko se je zgodil vrhunec le teh. Po večdnevnem planiranju in upanju na dobro vreme sem na koncu pristal na popolnoma drugem kraju od planiranega. Iskanje lokacij katere bi mi obenem prinesle tudi jasno noč me je dodobra utrudilo in priznam, da sem že skoraj obupal. A vseeno me je želja po fotografiranju Perzeidov gnala naprej in sem se tako na dan fotografiranja že zjutraj odpravil na celodnevno raziskovanje lokacij. S pomočjo nasveta prijatelja sem naletel na ta, do danes meni osebno nepoznan in očem skriti ribnik mimo katerega se vsako leto vozimo na morje.
Po že tako dolgem in vročem dnevu so me zvečer s prihodom presenetili ribiči, kateri so mi delali družbo skozi celo noč. Naglavne lučke iz vseh strani so švigale sem, ter tja, zato sem se bil primoran z ribiči ob meni pomembnem trenutku zmeniti za popolno temo. Hvala bogu so bili tako prijazni in mi to omogočili, tako, da vam lahko sedaj z veseljem pokažem svojo končno fotografijo.
Description: Perseid Meteor Shower and hidden beauty of the Universe photographed at the mystical Nerajec pond.
Until the last hours, I couldn’t decide where to go to photograph the meteors on the night when the peak of these occurred. After several days of planning and hoping for good weather, I finally ended in a completely different place than planned. Searching for locations that would also bring me a clear night tired me out and I admit that I almost gave up. But still, the desire to photograph the Perseids drove me forward, and so on the day of the photographing, I set out in the morning for a full-day exploration of the locations. With the help of a friend’s advice, I came across, to this day, personally unknown pond to me, which we pass by every year when we go to the sea.
After such a long and hot day, I was surprised by the arrival of fishermen in the evening, who kept me company throughout the night. Headlights from all sides were darting here and there, so I was forced to exchange with the fishermen for complete darkness at an important moment for me. Thank God they were so kind and made it possible for me, so that I can now happily show you my final image.
Oprema: Nikon Z6a, Sigma 20 1.4 dg dn Art + Megadap tze21, Fornax Lightrack 2i, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Kategorija: Panorama / tracked / stacked / blended
- Sky: iso800, f2, 45s, 3rows, 7 subframes per row
- Foreground: iso1250, f1.8, 90s, 1row + lower row with reflections only: iso6400, f1.8, 15s, 10subframes
Meteors are blended into the final image from timelapses.
Throughout the night ( peak of Perseid meteor shower ), i managed to catch about 70-80 meteors using 3 cameras. Among these, I chose only the best ones for this composition.
Lokacija in datum: Slovenija, ribnik Nerajec – Dragatuš, 12-13.08.2023