Opis: Zvezdne sledi v objemu Sončnice. Po glavi se mi je porajala zamisel o fotografiranju sončnic že dolgo. V zadnjih dnevih pa mi je na misel prišla ideja o zvezdnih sledeh, kateri bi bili izven fokusa z nekoliko daljšo goriščno razdaljo zelo unikatni. Tako sem izkoristil 2uri časa in med drugim izdelal te unikatne fotografije Sončnice in vesolja.
Na sredini fotografije nad Sončnico se nahaja zvezda Severnica.
Description:Star trails in the embrace of the Sunflower. The idea of photographing sunflowers has been in my head for a long time. In recent days, however, the idea of star trails came to my mind, which would be very unique with out of focus and slightly longer focal length. So I used 2 hours of time and among other compositions made these unique photos of the Sunflower and the universe. In the middle of the photo above the Sunflower you can see the North Star ( Polaris ).
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Tamron 85 SP 1.8
Category: Star trails
- 43 frames, iso800, f2.8, 120s, sunflower is stack of 5 frames from timelapse
Location and date: Slovenia, Dolenjske Toplice, 30.07.24