Opis: Zvezdne sledi nad enem izmed najlepših romantičnih gradov v Sloveniji: Grad Snežnik.
To je bilo prvič, da sem poskušal fotografirati z 11 mm objektivom in lahko rečem, da sem resnično presenečen nad njegovo zmogljivostjo, še posebej
upoštevati ceno. Verjetno najboljši fisheye objektiv za astrofotografijo.
Nastanek gradu Snežnik sega v čas oglejskih patriarhov, prvih znanih lastnikov med 10. in 11. stoletjem. Zgrajen je bil na skalni vzpetini ob vznožju snežniških gozdov, z namenom zavarovanja pomembne trgovske poti, ki je nekoč povezovala Kranjsko z Istro in Kvarnerjem.
V redko ohranjenih listinah se ime Snežnik prvič pojavi v letu 1269 v povezavi s takratnimi oskrbniki gradu, gospodi Snežniškimi.
Skozi stoletja sta se z menjavanjem lastnikov spreminjala tudi njegova notranjost in zunanja podoba. Renesančni izgled je grad dobil v 16. stoletju, današnjo podobo pa so z dozidavami dopolnili zadnji lastniki, saški knezi v drugi polovici 19. stoletja.
Description: Star trails over one of the most beautiful romantic castles in Slovenia: Snežnik Castle.
This was the first time i tried to shot with 11mm lens, and i can say that i am really suprised with its performance, especially
considered the price. Probably the best fisheye lens for Astrophotography.
The origin of Snežnik Castle dates back to the time of the Ogle patriarchs, the first known owners between the 10th and 11th centuries. It was built on a rocky hill at the foot of the Snešnik forests, with the aim of securing an important trade route that once connected Carniola with Istria and Kvarner.
In rarely preserved documents, the name Snežnik appears for the first time in 1269 in connection with the then caretakers of the castle, the Snežniški lords.
Over the centuries, with the change of owners, its interior and exterior image have also changed. The castle got its Renaissance appearance in the 16th century, and its present appearance was supplemented by additions by the last owners, the Saxon princes, in the second half of the 19th century.
Oprema: Nikon Z6a, TTArtisan 11m f2.8
Kategorija: Star trails
- Sky: iso1250, f2.8, 30s, 100frames
- Foreground: iso1250, f2.8, 150s
Lokacija in datum: Slovenija, Grad Snežnik, 13.02.2023