Opis: Kozmična ekplozija neba, katere sem bil deležen meseca Avgusta na najbolj temnem kraju Istre na Hrvaškem.
V noči, ko se je godil vrhunec meteorskega roja Perzeidov sem bil postrežen z “več hodnim menijem” neba.
Lok Rimske ceste z Orionom ( prvič v mesecu Avgustu ), Aurora ( prvič v življenju ), Zodiakalna svetloba prihajajočega Sončnega vzhoda, meteorski roj Perzeidov, in, ker vse to še ni bilo dovolj, mi je nebo postreglo še z enim najlepših zelenkastih svetlobnih sijev od kar fotografiram nočno nebo.
Ooh! in pozabil sem omeniti, da na konjukcijo planetov Jupiter in Mars, ravno na poti Zodiakalne svetlobe.
Na sredini panorame se nahaja svetilnik Cap Marlera kateri je bil zgrajen leta 1880 na jugovzhodnem vrhu polotoka Istra. Surova obala ob vstopu v Kvarner in nemirno morje, precejšnje globine ter močni morski tokovi privabljajo ribe in veliko delfinov. Rt in morsko področje okoli svetilnika sta tudi novo domovanje sredozemske medvedke, katere pa nisem srečal.
Daleč naokoli ni nobenega večjega mesta ( izključno Pula ), kar omogoča izredno dobre pogoje za nočno fotografiranje. Ta noč je bila izjemno produktivna saj sem uspel fotografirati, kar dve panorami Rimske ceste in več posameznih kompozicij katere še čakajo na obdelavo.
Meteorji so deževali nad mano skozi celo noč, in tako sem tremi kamerami uspel ujeti 75 meteorjev, kateri so bili v panoramo dodani z Registar programom na točno isto lokacijo, kot so se pojavili na nebu.
Vse v enem: Izjemen in morda enkraten dogodek v življenju, za katerega sem res vesel in srečen, da sem bil lahko del tega.
Lahko rečem, da je to moja najboljša fotografija do danes! Oooh in en za urejanje te fotografije sem porabil en teden, kar je naravnost noro.
Description: The cosmic explosion of the sky, which I was a part of in the month of August in the darkest place of Istria in Croatia.
On the night of the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, I was served a “multi-course menu” of the night sky. The Milky Way arch with Orion (for the first time in the month of August), the Aurora (for the first time in my life ), Zodiacal light of the coming Sunrise, the Perseid meteor shower. And because all that wasn’t enough, the sky served me with one of the most beautiful greenish airglow since I’ve been photographing the night sky.
Ooh and i forgot to mention that there is also a close conjuction of the planets Jupiter and Mars, just in the path of Zodiacal light.
In the middle of the panorama is the Cap Marlera lighthouse, which was built in 1880 on the southeastern tip of the Istrian peninsula. The rough coast at the entrance to Kvarner and the turbulent sea, considerable depths and strong sea currents attract fish and many dolphins. The cape and the sea area around the lighthouse are also the new home of the Mediterranean bear, which I did not meet.
There are no major cities around (only Pula), which provides extremely good conditions for night photography. This night was extremely productive, as I managed to photograph two Milky Way panoramas ( one with core and one with Orion ) and several individual compositions that are still waiting to be processed.
Meteors rained down above me throughout the night, and so I managed to capture 75 meteors with three cameras, which were added to the panorama with the Register software at the exact same location as they appeared in the sky.
All in one: Extrordinary and maybe once in a lifetime event for which i am really glad and happy that i could be part off.
I can say that this is my best photo to date!
Oooh and i spent one week for editing this image which is just crazy.
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Sony 14 1.8GM + Megadap tze21, Fornax Lightrack 2i, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: Panorama / tracked / blended / meteors inserted with RegiStar software
- Sky: 8panels, iso800, f2, 120s + low exposure 60s frames + lee soft 5 ( iso3200, f2.2, 30s +15s )
- Foreground: 8panels, iso800, f2.8, 90s + low exposure frames for highlights
Location and date: Croatia- Istria, The lighthouse of Cape Marlera, 12-13.08.2024