Opis: V istri obstaja kraj, ki je popolnoma drugačen od vsega drugega na Hrvaškem. Ko se znajdeš tam, imaš občutek, da si na drugem planetu.
Noč preživeta po zvezdnatim nebom na izven zemeljski lokaciji v tako imenovani Istrski puščavi, je bila nekaj povsem edinstvenega in nepozabnega.
Tudi močna svetloba katero vidite v ozadju ( reflektorji usmerjeni v bližnjo cerkev ) me ni ustavila, čeprav sem bil nekoliko nervozen, kako bodo izpadle fotografije.
No na koncu moram reči, da sem pozitivno presenečen nad svojo prvo fotografijo iz te lokacije, svetloba reflektorjev namreč spominja na svetlobne stebre in je dodala fotografiji dodaten čar.
Puščavo sestavljajo laporne sipine ali kot mu pravijo v Istri tašelac: siva ali rumenkasta drobnozrnata sedimentna kamnina, sestavljena iz kalcita in gline. V Istri pogosto srečamo tovrstno okolje, zato te sipine pri Šterni niso edinstven pojav, so pa posebne v tem, da se razprostirajo na precej veliki površini: več kot ducat hektarjev.
Description: There is a place in Istria that is completely different from everything else in Croatia. When you get there, you feel like you’re on another planet.
The night spent under the starry sky in an extraterrestrial location in the so-called Istrian desert was something completely unique and unforgettable.
Even the strong light you see in the background ( reflectors directed at the nearby church ) didn’t stop me, although I was a little nervous about how the images would turn out.
But in the end, I have to say that I am positively surprised by my first photo from this location, the light from the spotlights reminds me of Light Pillars and added an extra charm.
The desert consists of marl dunes or, as they call it in Istria, tašelac: gray or yellowish fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of calcite and clay. This type of environment is often encountered in Istria, so these dunes at Šterna are not a unique phenomenon, but they are special in that they spread over a rather large area: more than a dozen hectares.
Oprema:Nikon Z6a, Sigma 20 Dg Dn 1.4 Art + Megadap tze21, Tamron 35 SP 1.4, Fornax Lightrack 2i, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Kategorija:Panorama / tracked / blended
- Sky: 35mm, iso640, f2.2, 60s, 7panels, 1row
- Foreground: 20mm, iso1250, f2.0, 60s, 6panels, focus stacked
Lokacija in datum: Hrvaška, Istarska pustinja, 12.09.2023