Opis: Po devetih mesecih brez fotografiranja lahko končno rečem: I am back in the game.
Uuuf to pa je bila dogodivščina in raziskovanje čudovitih lokacij po Tulovih gredah.
Tulove grede so del Velebitskega gorovja. Gre za ogromne skalne balvane katerih vrh sega 1120m visoko.
Moram priznati, da mi je po tej jasni noči kar odleglo, in občutek sem imel, da se vse moje nočne dogodivščine in čustva, katere sem doživljal pri le teh vračajo nazaj na pravo mesto. Občutek svobode!
Ko sem čez dan zagledal tole majhno jamo, sem si rekel, tja moram priti, pa magar po štirih nogah. No in na koncu je tako tudi bilo. Po štirih, kleče, leže, sede, samo, da dosežem to jamo.
Ko sem videl kako čudovita kompozicija se obeta ponoči sem vedel, da je vsekakor ne smem zamuditi!
Med vračanjem iz jame sem imel ogromno srečo saj se mi je med plezanjem v eni roki okrušila cela skala, tako, da sem obstal nad luknjo globoko 3m, a, ker to no bilo dovolj sem
si pri spustu po ostrih skalah porezal roko. Takrat sem si zatrdil, da moram biti bolj previden, kajti ponoči bo priti do jame še veliko težje in nevarno.
Moja prva misel, ko se je dan prevesil v noč je bila: Waaaaaw spet vidim zvezde in Rimsko cesto, in to tako lepo in jasno kot malokdaj poprej.
Na fotografiji vidite pogled iz majhne in mnogim očem skrite jame iz katere seže pogled proti meni osebno enemu najlepših ozvezdij in najvišjemu vrhu Tulovih gred.
Description: After 9 months without taking photos, I can finally say: I am back in the game.
It was an amazing adventure and exploration of wonderful locations on Tulove grede.
Tulove grede are part of the Velebit Mountains. There are huge rock boulders whose top reaches 1120m high.
I have to admit that after that clear night I was quite relieved, and I had the feeling that all my night adventures and the emotions I experienced during these were coming back in the right place. A sense of freedom!
When I saw this small cave during the day, I said to myself, I have to get there somehow. Well, in the end it was like that. I needed to walked
on all fours, kneeling, lying, sitting, just to reach this cave.
When I saw how wonderful the composition will look at night, I knew that I definitely shouldn’t miss it!
On the way back from the cave, I was extremely lucky, because while climbing, a whole rock crumbled in one of my hands, so that I stood above a 3m deep hole, but, since that was not enough, I cut my hand while going down the sharp rocks.
At that time I told myself that I had to be more careful, because it would be much more difficult and dangerous to get to the cave at night.
My first thought as the day turned into night was: Wow, I can see the stars and the Milky Way again, and it’s as beautiful and clear as it was not many times.
In the photo, you can see the view from a small cave hidden from many tourist eyes, from which the view reaches towards one of the most beautiful constellations in the night sky and the highest peak of Tulove grede.
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Sony 14 1.8 GM + Megadap tze21, TTArtisan 11mm f2.8, Fornax Lightrack 2i, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: tracked, stacked, blended
- Sky: 14mm, iso800, f2.2, 60s x 10 frames
- Foreground: 11mm, iso800, f2.8, 120s x2, 60s + focus stacked
Location and date: Croatia, Velebit Mountains – Tulove grede, 07.06.2024