Opis: Zvezdne sledi nad cerkvijo Gospodovega vnebohda, ter odsevi le teh v izviru reke Cetine.
Bila poletna noč polna preobratov. Doživel sem vse od nevihte, močnega vetra, bliskanja, pa tja do jasnega neba.
Izkoristil sem dva fotoaparata in tako med drugim posnel zvezdne sledi, katere so z odsevi v vodi še toliko bolj posebne.
Če se mogoče sprašujete kaj je tista močna roza/vijola svetloba na nebu, naj vam povem, da je to pot meglic: Lagoon, ter malo višje Omega in Eagle.
Story: Star trails above the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, and reflections of those in the source of the Cetina River.
It was a summer night full of twists and turns. I’ve experienced everything from storms, strong winds, lightning, to clear sky.
I used two cameras and thus, among other things, shot star trails, which are even more special with the reflections in the water.
If you wonder what this strong purple light on the sky is. Well let me tell you, this is the path of Lagoon Nebulae and a bit higher, Omega and Eagle
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Sigma 20 1.4 dg dn + Megadap tze21
Category: Star trails
Exif: 248frames: 30s, f2.8, iso800
Location and date: Croatia, Izvir reke Cetine, 18.07.2023