Opis: In tu je še moja zadnja fotografija iz te čudovite lokacije pri naravnem loku Es Pontas.
Ta skrivnostna jama, katere oblika spominja na glavo Vrane, se skriva pod visokimi pečinami in je skrita očem večini turistov. Pot do le te ni bila ravno enostavna, a je vsekakor bila vredna obiska.
Ker mi Benro Polaris omogoča polarno poravnavo s katerokoli zvezdo na nebo ( tokrat Antares ) sem sledenje zvezd lahko izdelal neposredno iz jame.
Preden sem pričel s fotografiranjem te kompozicije, oz. sledenje zvezdam sem imel na mobitelu samo še 3% baterije ( polnilni kabelj ostal v avtu ). Priznam, da sem bil živčen in nervozen, ker sem se bal, da mi ne bo uspelo. Ko sem napravil prvo fotografijo s sledenjem neba, je mobitel ugasnil. A na srečo, ko imaš enkrat na Benro Polaris-u vse nastavljeno in si pričel s slednjem ne potrebuješ več telefona. Tako sem uspešno zaključil svojo prvo noč na Mallorci s to galaktično fotografijo “Vrane” v skrivnostni jami in se domov odpravil ves premočen z nasmeškom na obrazu
Story: And here is my last photo from this beautiful location at the natural arch of Es Pontas.
This mysterious cave, shaped like a Crow’s head, hides under high cliffs and is hidden from the eyes of most tourists. The way to get there was not that easy, but it was definitely worth the visit.
Since the Benro Polaris allows me to polar align on any star in the sky ( this time Antares ), I was able to do the star tracking inside the cave.
Before I started photographing this composition and tracking the stars, I only had 3% of the battery left on my phone (the charging cable was left in the car ). I admit that I was nervous because I was afraid that I would fail. When I took the first photo of the tracked sky, my phone battery died.
Luckily, once you have everything set up on the Benro Polaris and you’ve started with tracking, there is no need for a phone anymore.
So I successfully ended my first night on Mallorca with this galactic photo of “Crow” in a mysterious cave and headed home soaked with a smile on my face.
Oprema: Nikon Z6a, Sony 14 GM 1.8, Benro polaris ( tracking inside the cave )
Kategorija: Tracked / stacked / blended
- Sky: 14mm, iso800, f1.8, 60s, 10subframes
- Foreground: 14mm, iso4000, f2.0, 120s + 60s
Lokacija in datum: Mallorca island, 16.6.2023