Opis: Fotografija katera je nastala spontano brez načrtovanja. Medtem, ko je eden izmed mojih fotoaparatov izdeloval zvezdne sledi, sem imel čas, da ob koncu noči poiščem še kakšno zanimivo kompozicijo pri izviru Cetine.
In tako je nastala ta enostavna a obenem fotografija polna dogajanja skritega očem.
Na nebu nam namreč takoj v oči pade svetel planet Jupiter obdan z zodiakalno svetlobo, katera je posledica prihajajočega sončnega vzhoda ( fotografirano ob zaključku teme ). Zodiakalna svetloba je v bistvu odsev sončeve svetlobe od mnogih delcev medplanetarne materije, velikosti od nekaj mikronov, pa vse do mikro – asteroidov premera enega metra, kateri se nahajajo v orbiti okoli sonca v ravnini ekliptike, torej v ravnini po kateri okoli sonca krožijo vsi planeti našega sončnega sistema.
V pasu Rimske ceste najdemo kar nekaj rdečkastih meglic, med najbolj poznanimi: tik nad horizonom meglica Flaming star, nekoliko višje meglica Kalifornija, potem je tu odprta zvezdna kopica Plajade, Meglici Duša in Srce ter dve galaksiji: naša sosednja galaksija Andromeda, ter galaksija Trikotnik.
Description: A photo that was created spontaneously without planning. While one of my cameras was shooting star trails, I had time to look for another interesting composition at the source of the Cetina during the end of the night.
And that’s how this simple but at the same time photo full of events hidden from our eyes was created.
In the sky, the bright planet Jupiter immediately catches our eye, surrounded by Zodiacal light, which is the result of the upcoming sunrise ( photographed at the end of the night ). Zodiacal light is basically the reflection of sunlight from many particles of interplanetary matter, ranging in size from a few microns to micro-asteroids with a diameter of one meter, which are located in orbit around the sun in the plane of the ecliptic, i.e. in the plane along which all the planets revolve around the sun of our solar system.
In the belt of the Milky Way we find quite a few reddish nebulae, among the most well-known: just above the horizon the Flaming Star Nebula, slightly higher the California Nebula, then there is the open star cluster Plaiades, the Soul and Heart Nebulas and two galaxies: our neighboring Andromeda Galaxy, and the Triangle Galaxy .
Oprema: Nikon Z6a, Sony 14 GM 1.8 + Megadap tze21, Benro Polaris, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Kategorija: Tracked / stacked / blended
- Sky: iso800, f12.2, 120s, 7subframes
- Foreground: iso1250, f1.8, 120s, single exposure + reflections: iso3200, f1.8, 30s
Lokacija in datum: Hrvaška, izvir reke Cetine, 19.07.2023