Opis: Nekje globoko v Istrki puščavi na vrhu peščene sipine stoji tole čudovito osamljeno drevesce, katero kar kliče po fotografiranju.
Seveda sem se ob podrobnem pregledu vseh možnih kompozicij z le tem na koncu odločil za kompozicijo z ozvezdjem Labod, za katerega so značilne rdečkaste meglice, ter ostanek supernova: meglica Tančica. Ne smem pa izpustiti tudi temne meglice Le Gentil 3 ( na vrhu fotografije ), katera je ob jasnih nočeh v temnih krajih s prostimi očmi videti temnejša kot preostali del neba. Včasih so z gledanjem nočnega neba s prostimi očmi tako lahko določili kako temno je nebo na določeni lokaciji.
Of course, after a detailed scouting of all possible compositions, I finally decided for a composition with the Cygnus constellation, which is characterized by reddish nebulae and Supernova remnent: Veil nebula. But I must not leave out the dark nebula of dust and gas Le Gentil 3 ( at the top of the image ), which on clear nights in dark places with the naked eye looks darker than the rest of the sky. In the past by watching the night sky with naked eye they used to determine how dark the sky is in a certain location.
Gear:Nikon Z6a, Tamron 35 SP 1.4, Fornax Lightrack 2i, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: Tracked/ stacked / blended
- Sky: 35mm, iso800, f2.2, 60s, 10subframes
- Foreground: 35mm, iso1250, f2.2, 90s, 3x focus stacked
Location and date: Croatia, Istrian desert, 12.09.2023