OPIS: Dobrodošli v raju, oziroma natančneje v tako imenovani “Istrski puščavi”. Zakaj je kraj dobil ime Istrska puščava?
Puščavo sestavljajo laporne sipine ali kot mu pravijo v Istri tašelac: siva ali rumenkasta drobnozrnata sedimentna kamnina, sestavljena iz kalcita in gline. Vse skupaj izgleda, kot bi prišli v puščavo, katero obdaja bujno rastje. Res neverjeten fenomen, in edinstvena lokacija katero vam toplo priporočam, da jo vsaj enkrat obiščete.
Na nebu kraljuje lok Rimske ceste, katero lahko na severni polobli Zemlje opazujemo poleti, oz. natančneje od pomladi do jeseni.
Za tole panoramo je bilo potrebno kar nekaj truda že med samim fotografiranjem, saj sem za fotografiranja ospredja bil promoran uporabiti mini tripod s širokokotnim objektivom. Ker sem želel, da drevo, katero se nahaja na sredini panorame, sega nad obzorje točno pod lok Rimske ceste sem bil promoran za fotografiranja ospredja uporabiti mini tripod s širokokotnim objektivom, tako, da je bil fotoparat povsem nad tlemi. Seveda je bilo zaradi bližine ospredja potrebno tudi fokusno zlaganje.
Na koncu sem se moral spopasti tudi z močno lučjo, katera osvetljuje bližnjo cerkev, zato, naloga vsekakor bi nila lahka. A na koncu rezultat zelo zadovoljiv.
STORY: Welcome to paradise, or more precisely to the so-called “Istrian desert”.
Why did the place get the name Istrian Desert?
The desert consists of marl dunes or, as they call it in Istria, tašelac: gray or yellowish fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of calcite and clay.
It all looks like you’ve entered a desert surrounded by lush vegetation. A truly incredible phenomenon, and a unique location that I highly recommend you to visit at least once.
The sky is dominated by the arc of the Milky Way, which can be observed in the northern hemisphere in summer time, or more precisely from spring to autumn.
This panorama required quite a bit of effort already during the photography itself, as I was encouraged to use a mini-tripod with a wide-angle lens for foreground photography. Since I wanted to have the tree in the middle of the Milky Way and extend above the horizon, I was encouraged to use a mini-tripod with a wide-angle lens. So at the time of the shooting the camera was completely above the ground. Of course, due to the proximity of the foreground, focus stacking was also necessary.
In the end, I also had to deal with a strong light illuminating a nearby church, so the task would definitely not be easy. But in the end, the result is very satisfactory.
Gear: 2x Nikon Z6a , Tamron 35 1.4 SP + Sony 14 1.8 + Megadap tze21, Fornax Lightrack 2i
Category: panorama, tracked, focus stacked, blended
- Sky: 35mm, 12panels x 3rows, iso640, 60s, f2.2 ( multi exposure for the light on right side of the panorama )
- Foreground: 14mm, 6panels, 1row, iso800, 90s, f1.8, focus stacked each panel
Lcation and date: Croatia, Istrian desert, 12.09.2023