Opis: Le kaj več bi si lahko še želel to noč. Perfektne vremenske razmere za nočno fotografiranje so mi bile končno naklonjene!
Izjemno nočno nebo nad gorsko verigo Velebit se mi je pred očmi izrasalo kot iz pravljice. Medtem, ko je Polaris fotografiral nočno nebo sem si lahko privoščil, da malo zadiham in uživam ob čudovitih pogledih na okolico in ozvezdja.
Kot ponavadi je bil moj dan pred nočnim fotografiranjem na polno zaseden z ogledovanjem lokacij oz. kompozicij. Naj samo povem, da sem na vrh tega skalnatega hriba odšel v enem dnevu 3x gor in dol. In na žalost se to pozna še danes, saj sem staknil poškodbo kolena.
Ta panorama je bila vsekakor vrhunec te zvezdnate noči, imel se vizijo kako bo izgledal končni izdelek, a na koncu je prišla še bolje kot sem pričakoval.
A kar je najpomembneje je to, da sem užival v svoji novi dogodivščini, ter prav tako pri urejanju fotografije.
Na sredini panorame pod lokom Rimske ceste se nahaj najvišji skalni masiv Tulovih Gred ( 1120m ) obsijan s svetlobo luči katera prihaja povečini iz bližnje avtoceste.
Na desni strani panorame takoj opazite veliko močnih luči, kar predstavlja med drugim večja priobalna mesta ( Novigrad, Zadar ) , rdečkasto obarvane vetrnice, avtocesto in tudi Karinsko morje.
Na nebu seveda kraljuje lok Rimske ceste poln čudovitih barv, kateremu je tokrat družbo delal zelenkasti svetlobni sij.
Na levi strani panorame pa lahko vidimo celotno območje gorskega sveta Tulovih gred.
Description: There’s nothing more I could wish for this night. Perfect weather conditions for night photography were finally in my favor!
The extraordinary night sky above the Velebit mountain range appeared in front of my eyes as if was from a fairy tale.
While Polaris was photographing the night sky, I was able to take a breath and enjoy the wonderful views of the surroundings and constellations.
As usual, my day before the night time was fully occupied with scouting locations and compositions. Let me just say that I went up and down 3 times in one day to the top of this rocky hill. And unfortunately I suffered a knee injury which is still not good.
This panorama was definitely the highlight of this starry night. I had a vision of what the final product would look like, but in the end it came out even better than I expected.
But the most important is that I enjoyed my new adventure, as well as editing the photo.
In the middle of the panorama, under the arch of the Milky Way, is the highest rock massif of Tulove Grede (1120m), illuminated by the light of the lights, which mostly comes from the nearby highway.
On the right side you immediately notice a lot of bright lights, which represent, among other things, larger coastal cities (Novigrad, Zadar), reddish-colored windmills, the highway and also the Karinsko Sea.
In the sky, of course, the arc of the Milky Way reigns, full of wonderful colors, which this time was accompanied by a greenish airglow.
On the left side of the panorama, we can see the entire mountain area of Tulove grede.
Gear: 2x Nikon Z6a, Tamron 35 1.4 SP + Sigma 20 1.4 Dg Dn + Megadap tze21, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: 360 Panorama / tracked / blended
- Sky: 35mm, 15panels x 2rows, iso800, 60s, f2.2
- Foreground: 20mm, 12panels, 1row, iso1250, 90s, f1.8 + multi exposure frames for highlights ( 30s, 15s, 5s, 2s, 1s, 1/2s )
Location and date: Croatia, Velebit mountain range – Tulove grede, 07.06.2024