OPIS: Bom poskusil biti kratek in jedrnat.
Priznam, pasalo je imeti malo daljšo pavzo od astrofotografije. Poleg pomankanja motivacije, tudi vreme nikakor ni sodelovalo z mano. Lahko bi rekel, da sem doživel “burnout” od vsega kar je povezano s fotografijo, kajti kot mnogi veste sem bil prejšnja leta zelo dejaven.
No, na koncu se je izkazalo, da sem bil celo malo preveč aktiven.
Po dolgih 8 mesecih umika od urejanja fotografij in socialnih omrežij ( vsaj kar se tiče fotografije ), sedaj obljavljam fotografijo katero sem posnel lani Septembra na Hrvaškem v Istarski puščavi.
To je bila tudi moja zadnja lokacija in nočno fotografiranje vse do danes.
Tako, da sedaj lahko rečem, da gre počasi na bolje, z več motivacije, ter v upanju na boljše vreme, da lahko kasneje ponovno spišem kakšno noro dogodivščino in jo delim z vami.
STORY:I will try to be short and concise.
I admit, it was good to have a little longer break from astrophotography. In addition to my lack of motivation, the weather was not cooperating with me at all. I could say that I experienced a “burnout” from everything related to photography, because as many of you know, I was very active in the previous years.
Well, in the end it turned out that I was even a little too active.
After 8 long months of withdrawing from editing photos and social media (at least as far as photography is concerned), I am now showing you a photo I took last September in Croatia in the Istrian desert.
It was also my last location and nightscaping until today.
So now I can say that it is slowly getting better, with more motivation, and hoping for better weather, so that later I can write some crazy adventure again and share some new photos with you.
Gear:Nikon Z6a, Sony 14 1.8 + Megadap tze21, Benro Polaris
Category: stacked, blended
- Sky: 2rows, iso3200, 20s x 10 per row, f1.8
- Foreground: iso3200, 20s x 10, f1.8 + focus stacking
Location and date: Croatia, Istrian desert, 12.09.2023