Opis: Kompozicija Rimske ceste, čudovite gorske pokrajine na Velebitu z rumenkasto cvetlično rastlino v ospredju je kmalu ob prihodu pritegnila mojo pozornost. Na veliko srečo sem imel v neposredni bližini veliko čudovitih priložnosti za nočno fotografiranje, tako, da sem lahko kolikor se je dalo izkoristil to zvezdnato noč na Velebitu.
V ozadju se dviguje najvišji vrh Tulovih gred, za katerim pa se na nebu se dviguje jedro Rimske ceste s svojimi značilnimi barvitimi meglicami.
Ta noč je bila zame zeloposebna, ker sem po dolgih 9 mesecih brez fotografiranja zopet prišel pod zvezdnato nebo, ter tako končal s čudovitimi fotografijami in nepozabnim doživetjem.
Description:This night was very special for me, because after 9 long months without taking photos, I got back under the starry sky with wonderful images and an unforgettable experience.
The composition of the Milky Way, a beautiful Mountain landscape on Velebit with a yellow flower plant in the foreground, soon caught my attention upon arrival. Fortunately, I had many wonderful opportunities for night photography in the immediate vicinity, so I could make the most of this starry night on Velebit.
In the background rises the highest peak of the Tulove grede, behind which the core of the Milky Way rises in the sky with its characteristic colorful nebulae.
Gear: 2x Nikon Z6a, Sony 14 1.8 GM + Megadap tze21, Fornax Lightrack 2i, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category: tracked, stacked, blended
- Sky: 14mm, iso800, 60s, f2.2 x 10frames
- Foreground: 14mm, iso 6400, 20s, f1.8, 6x focus stacked + 1 low exposure frame for highlights
Location and date: Croatia, Velebit Mountains – Tulove grede, 07.06.2024