Opis: In tu je moja naslednja kompozicija te nepozabne noči polne utrinkov.
Vse kar se tiče časa, je bilo ta večer precej napeto. Ker sem na lokacijo fotografiranja želel priti ob mraku, da si lahko ogledam vse možne kompozicije še ob svetlobi, sem imel pred sabo drvečih 90minut vožnje in nekaj malega hoje.
In ja uspelo mi je, čeprav sem do tam prišel popolnoma prepoten sem si lahko uspešno izdelal načrt za noč.
Na fotografiji vidite rastlino z imenom Plavi Kortljan ( Eryngium amethystinum ). Ta morska bodika tvori pokončni šop srednje velikosti z zimzelenim, modrozelenim listjem in cvetovi, ki je drobno narezano, žilavo in zelo bodičasto. Od junija do septembra pokaže svoje okrogle glave, ki so izjemne kovinsko modre barve.
Svetilnik Cap Marlera se nahaja na skrajnem jugovozhodnem delu Istre, katera lokacija velja za najtemnejši del Istre.
Nad le tem se dviguje mogočni steber Rimske ceste s Perzeidi, katere sem ujel v tri kamere skozi celo noč. V fotografijo si bili vstavljeni s programom RegiStar, na točno isto mesto neba, kjer so se tudi pojavili.
Description: And here is my next composition of this unforgettable night full of meteors.
Everything about timing was pretty tight this evening. Since I wanted to get to the location at dusk, so that I could see all the possible compositions in the light, I had a long 90 minutes of driving and some walking ahead of me.
And yes, I succeeded, even though I got there completely sweaty, I was able to successfully make a plan for the night.
In the photo you can see a plant called Blue Kortljan (Eryngium amethystinum). This Sea Holly forms an upright clump of medium size, with evergreen, blue-green foliage that is finely cut, tough and very spiny. From June to September, it displays its round heads which are remarkable metallic blue colour.
Cap Marlera lighthouse is located in the extreme southeastern part of Istria, which location is considered as one of the darkest part of Istria.
Just above it rises the mighty pillar of the Milky Way with the Perseids, which I caught on three cameras throughout the night. Meteors were inserted into the photo with the RegiStar program, at the exact same spot in the sky as they appeared.
Gear: Nikon Z6a, Sigma 20 1.4 Dg Dn + Megadap tze21, Nomad MSM tracker, Focus on star mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Category:Tracked / stacked / blended / meteors inserted with RegiStar software
- Sky: 8panels, iso800, f1.8, 40s x4 light frames + lee soft 5 ( iso3200, f1.8, 30s )
- Foreground: iso400, f16, 40s, 4x focus stacked, blue hour
Location and date: Croatia- Istria, The lighthouse of Cape Marlera, 12-13.08.2024