Opis: Noč katero sem preživel pri izviru reke Cetine, je bila polna preobratov.
Preživel sem hudo nevihto, katera me je na srečo samo oplazila, a mi je kljub temu preprečila uspešno fotografiranje le te kompozicija. Zaradi močnega vetra, žal nisem uspel pravočasno fotografirati refleksije v vodi, a sem imal vsaj to srečo, da sem jih uspel ujeti s časovnim zamikom približno ene ure, ko se je veter popolnoma umiril.
Ta čudovita lokacija je mnogim poznana kot »zemeljsko oko«, ker je izvir zelo podoben očesu z različnimi odtenki modre in turkizne. Gledano od zgoraj je nedvomno ena najbolj posebnih in fascinantnih lepot te regije. Brezno prodira v neznane globine Zemlje. Do sedaj so potapljači uspeli priti do globine 115 metrov.
Cerkvica z imenim Ascencion of the Lord, katero vidite na fotografiji stoji na idilični lokaciji ned samim breznom.
Description: The night I spent at the source of the Cetina River was full of twists and turns. I survived a severe storm, which fortunately only covered me, but despite this, only this composition prevented me from taking a successful photo. Due to the strong wind, unfortunately I was not able to photograph the reflection in the water in time, but I was at least lucky enough to be able to capture them with a time lapse of about an hour, when the wind had completely died down.
This beautiful location is known as the “Eye of the Earth” due to its strong resemblance to an eye with varied shades of blue and turquoise. Seen from above, it is undoubtedly one of the most particular and fascinating beauties of the region. This small abyss of water is formed by a hole that penetrates depths unknown of the Earth, explored by divers who made it to 115 meters.
The church called Ascencion of the Lord, which you see in the photo, stands in an idyllic location near the abyss itself.
Oprema: Nikon Z6 Astro-mod, Sony 14 GM + Megadap tze21, Benro Polaris, Focus on stars mask: https://focusonstars.com/ref/u
Kategorija: tracked, stacked, blended
- Sky: iso800, f2.5, 60s, 1-10subframes
- Foreground: iso1250, f1.8, 120s, 60s, 30s
- Reflections: iso3200, f1.8, 30s, 10subframes
Lokacija in datum: Hrvaška, izvir reke Cetine, 18.07.2023